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Good work :-)


A few bugs here and there, but overall a great edition of the original. :)


Very cool game, love the art style

i got stuck in the wall

please fix.

Or add a quick save feature

(1 edit) (+1)

This looks promising but there's a couple of things that could be improved upon:

1. Graphical options

By "options" I mean having the ability to enable or disable vsync or set a custom framerate limit, by default the game is uncapped and that led to me being unable to move so I had to resort to capping the framerate via Nvidia's control panel and also enabling vsync.

Windowed and/or borderless windowed mode are not necessarily requirements but I'm sure there are people who would appreciate having the option.

As for actually changing the graphical fidelity, draw distance, etc... I think that's not really appropriate for a game that's going for such a specific aesthetic, so it's not really a necessary option to have in this case (in my opinion at least).

2. Rebindable keys

There's a list of available input commands listed on this game's page but I really think that they should be exposed and preferably modifiable in-game, at the very least there should be a way to look up all the controls in-game without having to rely on a website, this goes for both Mouse + Keyboard and Gamepad controls. (I know the Gamepad controls are shown during the initial loading screen but come on)

3. Bug fixes / QA
"Unable to move" bug

As previously mentioned, the game has an uncapped framerate by default and as a result the physics engine (seemingly at least) goes haywire and becomes unable to properly calculate physics in the game world, this results in the player not being able to move. This could be fixed by implementing a framerate cap or alternatively using vsync by default instead of having the user go into the control panel for their GPU and setting max framerate and vsync there.

"Unable to reload" bug

For whatever reason, I had 50 plasma energy in my inventory but I could not reload for the life of me. I tried going into the inventory and throwing the items on the ground (which you can do by pressing F but the controls' page doesn't mention this to my knowledge) and then picking them up again but I could still not reload yet I had ammunition in my inventory.

"Camera clipping"

This is a minor one, I don't think it's intentional either. When running through a corridor I was little bit too close to one side and the camera clipped through the wall a bit and I could see the blue void beyond it. The fix for this would be to add functionality to the camera which physically blocks it from going through solid objects / objects with colliders on them, though I don't think this would be a cakewalk to implement.

In conclusion, this is promising but I'm not sure if it's meant as a tech demo or a vertical slice or whatever but there are definitely some things that could be improved upon, especially considering that this is a PC release, though probably not a final build (maybe, I'm not sure).

P.S. I didn't mean to sound harsh or anything, I'm only trying to help =)

It seems really cool and I want to play it, but I can't move at all. Sometimes it moves and then he stops. Why can't I move? =(

I have the same problem 😭😭

(1 edit)

It's just gorgeous.

Please add the ability to save and load..)

This is amazing and really fun!  Hope to see more :)



(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Gameplay Playthrough w/o Commentary

I enjoyed it a ton, wished there was more. Excited to know if there will be a full release. I hope there will be a settings/keybinds menu added eventually.



So i have never played the original games this was really my first experience and i think it was fantastic i think the edition of PSX really added something different, and it really got me a couple of times, there was a big in which it didnt let me reload and i ended up having to start from the beginning, which was a little bit of pain, a checkpoint would of been great but in all honestly fantastic visuals, atmosphere, story everything was 10/10 fantastic work!


GREAT translation of the original game to a PSX style. Hope you make more in this style! 

Did a little playtrough on it:


This is awesome! I wish it was a little longer but that's because I'm selfish. I'm sure this was a ton of work. I noticed you left the ALS debug camera on but maybe it's intentional? 

Thanks for making games!


you forgot to cap your fps

Would you be able to make it an apk for Android?   I'm really interested in playing this but keep having driver issues.  

i really enjoyed this! streamed it to my friend and we had fun. though i will say the reload button and secondary fire button would sometimes break. but other than that, great experience. great stuff!! 10/10 :] 


Loved how you made this look and feel, really fun little project

No stomp? Really cool but no stomp?

Heard somebody talk about it at school today so I decided to play it, good demake


Amazing Demake, I'm hoping to see the full game like this :D. Trying to hit 1000 by august.

this game gave me lots of scares i didn't expect, kudos :)

This game is so good I had to repost it on my other channel.


first bloodborne an now ths? we dont deserve indie devs man,

I really liked it i imagined myself sitting on the floor again with a ps2 and popping in a disc of dead space wish there was a quick save though.i dont like having to start again


Very good demake. Great work! 


It's delightful! It's sad that it's not possible to play it on the original Playstation 1. I would have loved to buy a disc of this game. 


I want this game on psp


Хочу такую игру на PSP 

Thank you.

This will be included in a future Let's Play marathon.

No lie I saw other youtubers playing this Dead Space Remake game and I was like I gotta try this game its looks fire



After going pretty damn far into the game, it's had this issue where it suddenly freezes and crashes without explanation and ruins all the progress, did it to me twice, maybe something to do with the UE5 you're using? Will you implement some kind of quick save feature? or limited saves? Overall, it looks very good and makes me want more demakes on this platform, fits the PS1 aesthetic well and is paced as such.

(1 edit)

Really enjoyed it! Nice job. I suggest implementing some sort of internal frame cap. High FPS makes the controls randomly unresponsive.

For now, players can cap the framerate at 60 with an external program like nvidia control panel.


this was freaking amazing i really enjoyed dead space demake. iam looking forward for more demakes. 

I come back after a day and a new one appears out of nowhere? Bruh coming through with the game lmaooo, More devs need to come out of hiding, i'll play their stuff definitely.

Movement controls aren't work when FPS is high. Lock on 120 seems to be enough for normal working.


Impressive game. 


I have to say, I'm thoroughly impressed with this demake. The attention to detail is remarkable and the gameplay feels just like the original. I'd love to see a full game like this in the future. Great job!
(1 edit) (+1)

Es un buen juego, muy bien optimizado, yo quiero que te suscribas a mi canal de Youtube y me apoyes, un saludo amigo...

It is a good game, very well optimized, I want you to subscribe to my YouTube channel and support me, greetings friend...

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