A downloadable collection for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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During 2020s covid lockdown in Melbourne I started a project to make a game a month. The project ran from June 2020 until my laptop died in March 2021 most of which was under covid lockdown.

The collection has 7 games in total (please don't do the math on how many months to games there are). They're all kind of small and experimental. Most of them don't really have an end state and are more about just playing around, if they can be completed they only take about 10 to 20 minutes. All of them have been released individually on itch so I'll include links to their page if you want to grab them on their own.

Fleetoad Mac

You're a tiny person on a record player running around to spin it up and play music for your normal sized but relatively huge toad friend.

Cooking With Critters

Cute animals wearing chefs hats teach you how to cook despite being animals who mostly don't know what they're doing.

OH&S: Occupational Health and Sabotage

After telling your boss his glass factory was unsafe you've been fired. Time to take revenge by showing just how much damage an "accident" could cause.

Twilight Highway

Going nowhere and going fast. Put your favourite music into the games files and then soak up the vibes as you ride your motor bike down the Twilight Highway.


Jet around an underwater valley as a not quite squid thing enjoying the wonders of nature and whatever else lies below the sea.

Falling Point Error

A mission to examine black hole phenomena up close goes wrong and reality glitches out as you fall into the singularity.

Glide City

Skyscrapers reach out to the heavens, the streets below unseeable through the clouds, the air is light up here but you're lighter, just a tiny paper plane gliding forever.

If you enjoy my work consider donating to help me make more cool stuff: https://ko-fi.com/brumley53


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

CoopedUpCovidCollection-Linux.zip 1.1 GB
CoopedUpCovidCollection-Mac.zip 1.1 GB
CoopedUpCovidCollection-Windows.zip 1.1 GB

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